Tiny Mix Tapes



walking by

01. way was published the year I was born.

02. Leslie Scalapino is unimpeachable, but I’m too much of a rube to recognize that.

03. Scalapino has a wonderful voice, though she could use a drink of water. Throughout the film, her mouth makes noises like crinkling a square of thin, shiny paper you sometimes find in candy stores.

04. As I try to titrate the streaming language, I end up writing, to my befuddlement, a riff on soundbytes from the Eckhart Tolle of The Power of Now (“The past has no power over the present moment. // The past gives you an identity and the future holds the promise of salvation. … Both are illusions.”): The past only exists in the present; more obviously, the past is a memory and memories aren’t forever. Recollection is real(-)time.

05. The department of FLOW AND MATERIAL SIMULATION deals with the modeling and simulation of fluid dynamical and structure elastic processes for the optimization of materials and components. One of our main competences is the efficient numerical solution of multiscale and multiphysical problems occurring in Material Simulation. Our clients are producers of technical textiles and composite materials, metal and plastic processing companies, particularly foundries, as well as subsequent processing branches, such as filter producers and system suppliers in the field of automobile technology.

05. Impossible Mike writes for HTML Giant, “I’ve seen it, & it’s almost overwhelming,” and his “almost overwhelming” almost overwhelms me. So sad. Mike writes several times that the film is brilliant. This is not a brilliant film. I am sorry.

06. About 89,600 results for “the life of desire” // 1 result for “to free the past from myself” // No results found for “the thought of not worrying about their death” // About 1,970,000 results for “we were young then” // No results found for “we were young then so that nothing could be done”

bum series

01. It occurs to me that if Scalapino’s voice were Bruce Andrews’s voice, it might become more directly polemical and claim something like that if the president could read way (or watch it), he would better know the foreign lands. He would not scorn bums.

02. You are currently browsing through Zazzle’s new wave apparel section, where you can find many styles, colors, and sizes of new wave apparel available for customization or ready to buy as is. Most Zazzle custom apparel ships within 24 hours of ordering. Some of the popular apparel styles offered on Zazzle are t-shirts and hoodies. There’s no minimum order for clothing, so get your one-of-a-kind apparel today! Add your own images and text for free! To browse other related products, check out the main new wave page.

03. From memory & class, the film/poem has moved on to stupidity & class.

The floating series

01. This section has pioneered the sex-value of lily pads in my imagination.

02. Sorry.

03. ;)

04. It’s starting to hit harder. Scalapino’s halting delivery of lines about her lover’s depression conjoined with images of poorly dressed, monied young men in public at night is connecting more like a tun of solution.

05. : all of the facts, conditions, and events that affect someone or something at a particular time and in a particular place // : an important or sudden problem // : a place or location

Delay series // [The series as / qualitative infinity]

01. Such an odd choice, to my ear, to pair Scalapino’s language with rapid-cut images of people on the street, yet precisely, clearly, the right thing.

02. This section, which concerns mugging and death and the police, almost instills in me a desire to be mugged, but this desire would have originated in me prior to tonight.

03. I don’t generally like montage like I like shopping for new-wave attire, but I’ve come not to dislike this film. Good morning, Oakland.

WAY / no(h) — setting

01. While the field of Noh performance is extremely codified, and regulated by the iemoto system, with an emphasis on tradition rather than innovation, some performers do compose new plays or revive historical ones that are not a part of the standard repertoire. Works blending Noh with other theatrical traditions have also been produced.

02. Yes, this is scrambling the understanding, my understanding of the world and my navigation of the world’s rough proverbial seas amidst the foundering and wrecked vessels of others’ lives, the lives of those who have been unable to navigate the world according to their understanding of it. Understanding has little bearing on ability in the open ocean of our economy, and so it is true that I know nothing, as I now have to acknowledge. Language is foundering, and yet it is a renewable resource.

03. Autoxylopyrocycloboros.

04. “dumb setting regardless of being hurt / not / of the motorcycle / ride / and along with it, not being representational / in that sense.” (Break inserted by ear.)

05. but(oh) — milieu.


01. Repetition of the phrase “lick between their legs” is totally creeping me out.

02. Repetition of the word “bum” is totally making me laugh, though.

03. Oh, but now “bum” has linked up with the earlier motifs of the homeless. :(

04. : a professional dancer

05. Visually, the second part of this section is killing it. Wish you were here, not irrelevant.