When TMT staffers get sick of sitting around sharing cute animal pics (just kiddin’, folks: we’d never get sick of that), we seek other outlets to gain that sugar rush. And there hasn’t been anything as naïvely, boppily, bittersweetly, janglily (is that even a word?) adorable this year as The Creases’ “I Won’t Wait.” These Brisbane (AU) boys are giving The La’s “There She Goes” a run for their money. A run down the supermarket aisle, that is… with all of $5.50 ASD in their pockets, which is what the clip cost to make. The apple-biting may be an amorous metaphor, but given the charmingly callow exuberance on display here, I wouldn’t count on it — better to say, an indie song is a lot like an orange: first you have the skin, then the sweet, sweet innards.
Find “I Won’t Wait” on The Creases’ debut 7-inch on Rough Trade Records out November 11, and available for pre-order!
• The Creases: https://www.facebook.com/TheCreases
• Rough Trade: http://www.roughtraderecords.com