Tiny Mix Tapes

The Books’ videos released on DVD. But I really wanted to watch that church procession from 1989 on Blu-ray!


You know the cliché when you’ve just finished a thoroughly engaging piece of literature and you’re remarking to your friends or peers about how engaging it was? “I couldn’t put it down!” one might be inclined to say, ignoring the fact that you’ve very obviously put it down to socialize and provided zero useful information to anyone who might be interested. “So, uh, what’s it about?” “I just seriously couldn’t put it down!” “Oh, okay.”

By contrast, the musical The Books aren’t letting you put them down, despite formally breaking up some time ago (in the midst of the 1960s counterculture movement, but prior to LBJ’s promotion of the Great Society). About two months ago, The Books (or an intermediary thereof) announced the separation-for-sale of Music for a French Elevator and Other Oddities from their total and gargantuan artistic compendium A Dot in Time., released last year. A reasonable decision, considering the price of the latter, so now, Temporary Residence Ltd have decided to do the same for Freedom of Expression, a DVD of all the quirky videos that The Books utilized during their live shows and elsewhere. Experiencing one of those shows quickly revealed how complementary the “surreal mix of bizarre found footage, home movies, and psychedelic animated imagery” was to the music, so it’s certainly worthy of consideration.

Here’s where you can buy. Below: what’s in store. Oh those humans!

Freedom of Expression (2 hours long, btw) tracklisting:

01. That Right Ain’t Shit
02. Be Good to Them Always
03. Smells Like Content
04. Take Time
05. Meditation
06. It Never Changes to Stop
07. Tokyo
08. All A’s
09. If Now, Whenever
10. Classy Penguin
11. 8 Frame
12. An Owl with Knees
13. Twelve Fold Chain
14. Cello Song (feat. Jose Gonzales)
15. Handfart Man
16. Group Autogenics I
17. I Didn’t Know That
18. A Cold Freezin’ Night
19. Chain of Missing Links
20. We Bought the Flood
21. Mommy Daddy

• The Books: http://www.thebooksmusic.com
• Temporary Residence Ltd: http://temporaryresidence.com