Everything great ends. The Roman Empire? Gone. Stanley Kubrick? Deader than dead. KISS? Still around, but listen here: they ain’t nothing without the Space Ace. Currently, though, we are living in a golden age. Grocery stores are selling egg nog. If you have two American dollar bills, you can be enjoying egg nog this very evening. By January, that kind of deal will be nothing but a fond memory. By January, egg nog will be gone and love will be dead. At least folk-pop outfit Mutual Benefit will be going on tour that month. For some, that will ease the blow. For others, nothing will.
Earlier this season, the season of nog, Mutual Benefit put out their debut album Love’s Crushing Diamond through Soft Eyes. Now, that album has been re-released by Other Music this week — prime nog time. Once the nog is gone (and along with it, the country’s soul), that same album will get a vinyl release from Other Music. Specifically, the vinyl will come out on January 7, but by then, will anyone even feel feelings? Write your congress person. Make nog yearlong.
Mutual Benefit dates:
12.14.13 - Brooklyn, NY - Converse Rubber Tracks (The Pitchfork Review launch party)
01.13.14 - Boston, MA - Great Scott
01.14.14 - Montreal, QC - Il Motore
01.15.14 - Toronto, ON - Drake Underground
01.16.14 - Grand Rapids, MI - The Bird House
01.17.14 - Chicago, IL - Lincoln Hall
01.18.14 - Minneapolis, MN - Turf Club
01.21.14 - Vancouver, BC - The Cobalt
01.22.14 - Seattle, WA - Barboza
01.23.14 - Portland, OR - Bunk Bar
01.25.14 - San Francisco, CA - Rickshaw Stop
01.26.14 - San Diego, CA - Soda Bar
01.28.14 - Los Angeles, CA - Centre for the Arts - Eagle Rock
01.29.14 - Phoenix, AZ - Rhythm Room
01.31.14 - Austin, TX - Mohawk
02.01.14 - Houston, TX - Fitzgeralds
02.03.14 - Atlanta, GA - The Earl
02.04.14 - Chapel Hill, NC - Local 506
02.05.14 - Washington, DC - Black Cat
02.06.14 - Philadelphia, PA - Boot & Saddle
02.07.14 - New York, NY - Mercury Lounge
02.08.14 - Brooklyn, NY - Rough Trade
• Mutual Benefit: http://mutualbenefit.tumblr.com
• Other Music: http://www.othermusicrecordingco.com