As the hologram of Zachary Wilson becomes Faded In The Future, his production, composition, and thrust programing continues to shake hips in disco museums around the globe. The year is probably way beyond now, the future looks about the same as ever — maybe a few more inventions — but everybody is poppin’ that psyche-wonk Mr. Wilson had listeners BEGGING for during the beginning of this century. As he stepped out from behind his colaborative projects Wilson Daniels and Andy & Zeus, Zachary forges a new pathway in the light of all this dance-til-you-drop-ness. But as tour guide to the advancement of all crystal aquarium hustle-club dance floors, and although his said hologram has become Faded In The Future, Zachary’s tape is NOW available (in limited of 15 [OMG!!!!]), so grip it, reel on out, and submit your body to the art of rhythmic movement.
Forget Fade2Mind or Oil Gang or 100% Silk. Grip on Faded In The Future now and peel ya mind with this Plastic Arts 001 cassette! And if it ain’t making you nod ya noggin, then there’s something wrong, tell your neighbor, and they’ll dial 9-1-1. Chances are, while waiting for help, you’ll have a change of heart, and Zachary Wilson will be your new foot movement and stress melting guru!
Listen to Faded In The Future below, and grip on the cassette here.
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• Zachary Wilson: