Crumbling at the fault lines of trouble, a typical Tuesday follows: “You didn’t get my message? Your my paralegal. That had important information in it. I clicked your number off the e-mail you sent me. From my e-mail to the dialer, my phone called this number and received YOU telling me I received YOUR voice mail. And you’re claiming, as my paralegal, you didn’t receive that message. OR you just didn’t go through your messages yet? Is asking that a violation of some legality? What about the appointment I just asked to schedule at the firm’s office that you flagrantly ignored?”
All I need is a million monikers to cover myself from the world. Such is the case with our man Stefan: Cruise Family, Nachtbote, (“defunct”) SF Broadcasts, Virtual Vienna, and Jung An Tagen. Glad he’s back to flush out my woes, making music as Jung An Tagen, and catching the ears of Feathered Coyote Records with Vielheiten. It’s straight stress shattering house influenced electronic breakdown of beat collage. Nothing of the sampled realm. All production style sounds. And ready to become one with your psyche.
Stream Vielheiten by Jung An Tagen below and find the physical tape here.
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