I love/hate finding out about new old artists. You know the ones — the musicians who’ve been putting out compelling works for a while, yet somehow you never heard of them until now, and now that you’ve listened to them you’re so enthralled that you feel the urge to check out all of their previous material, which, conveniently, is all available to stream, if not download, free of charge, except the only problem is that there’s just too much of it. One seemingly innocuous Bandcamp or Soundcloud link leads to an artist page, which leads to another, which leads to a label page, and the rabbit hole goes deeper and deeper until you can no longer find your way back to the page that got you burrowing in the first place.
Such is the case with me and Vimana Aircraft, who may or may not be the pipe-dream of Sun Ra’s Space Is The Place fully realized in the Internet age. You see: I think I first heard Mr. Aircraft while I was doing the archaeological with the Flamingosis catalog — both artists appeared on tape label Em La Terra’s 2013 holiday compilation, An ELLT Christmas — but I’m really not sure. Making matters more complex and all-around bizarre, Vimana Aircraft appears to take his name from some kind of new-age ancient alien fuckery and his repertoire includes such gadgets as the Accurate Instruments Genometer 156, an old radio signal generator that he uses, at turns, to boost his hisscore instrumentals’ glitch factor or, as is the case here with Vimana Aircraft’s Message to SETI (they never replied), in a failed attempt to open a dialog between himself and SETI.
Though SETI might not be listening, my attention has definitely been caught, and even if you’re not receiving the transmission streaming below, you’d do well to tune in to Vimana Aircraft’s other broadcasts here and here and here and…
[Visit full site to view media]Vimana Aircraft's Message to SETI (they never replied) by Vimana Aircraft
• Vimana Aircraft: http://vimanaaircraft.bandcamp.com