Tiny Mix Tapes

Roc Marciano - “Slingers” feat. Knowlege The Pirate “Slingers” feat. Knowlege The Pirate


I’m not a trapper, I’m a slinger,” raps Roc Marciano at 1:39; the distinction being that while a trapper finds (loses?) himself trapped in a perpetual cycle of crime and punishment, a slinger slyly evades capture to continue flourishing in his chosen trade so he can enjoy the finer things in life, like “sapphire on the finger [or] a crib in Antigua.” To an upper-middle crust-bred academic it might seem a sinister, materialistic end game, but then, as Roc himself said on “Strive,” “Anything besides being rich is excuses.” Watch the gorgeously greenish video for “Slingers” above and download the song, along with the rest of The Pimpire Strikes Back mixtape from which it was taken, here.

• Roc Marciano: https://twitter.com/rocmarci
• Knowledge The Pirate: https://twitter.com/PIRATEKNOWLEDGE
• Man Bites Dog Records: http://www.manbitesdogrecords.com