As was previously alluded to, members of Thee Oh Sees scoff at societal convention and things like accepted definitions of words. While taking a “hiatus” might indicate for the rest of us a euphemism for involuntary career suspension, or entail an indefinite vacation with indefinite activities (but for sure, personally, an indefinite number of pizzas consumed), for Thee Oh Sees it apparently means a mere lapse in live performances — as if they hadn’t exceeded the quota already! Furthermore, with the following news, it’s clear that they’ve swapped ”hiatus” for one of its sorta-anagrams. “Ha, suit!” is their unmitigated response to the pressure to become slaves to The Man, greenback-lined though His swanky business attire may be. Deserving of kudos, they’re sticking to the music, collectively and otherwise.
Eh, sort of. Let’s temper that whole “lack of an actual hiatus” thing a bit, because while Drop, Thee Oh Sees’ fifth official full-length in four years, is set for release April 19, it was technically recorded last fall and not somehow instantaneously since the official announcement of a hiatus back in December. Obviously we’ll take it regardless: the album features contributions from Mikal Cronin, Greer McGettrick of the recently split, also-Bay Area band The Mallard, Casafis, and drummer Chris Woodhouse. Woodhouse apparently also owns the venue in which the album was recorded, a “banana ripening warehouse.” So in the absence of a definitive scientific answer either way, let’s assume the rage-inducing qualities of mass banana smells. The track below has been labeled “the heaviest Oh Sees song yet.”
Drop tracklisting:
01. Penetrating Eye
02. Encrypted Bounce
03. Savage Victory
04. Put Some Reverb on My Brother
05. Drop
06. Camera (Queer Sound)
07. King’s Noise
08. Transparent World
09. The Lens
• Thee Oh Sees:
• Castle Face: