Tiny Mix Tapes

Guerilla Toss / Sediment Club - Kicked Back Into the Crypt [LP; Feeding Tube / Sophomore Lounge]


I’ve been hearing about Guerilla Toss but I didn’t know they roll like that. This is absolute madness, ordained by some of best and brightest of the experimental elite, from Sleetmute Nightmute to Gay Beast to Ruins to Arab On Radar to Aa to PRE to Landed. Could this band be from Rhode Island? Nope, Boston, thank you very much. But keep Providence in mind when you slip this LP on because it’s sure as SHIT on mine. I must admit though, Guerilla Toss, at least on Kicked Back Into the Crypt, transcend a lot of the influences cited above. They’re on a new level, like Danielson fronting latter-period Daughters and sticking the landing like a goddamn gymnast. It’s not simply a matter of traditional no-wave tropes either, though they’re definitely in there somewhere. What drives GT’s engine is no less than the full support each member lends to the other, every one endeavoring to rise above rock’s cliches (and sub-sub-cliches) and present a fresh way of thinkin’ about things. The Sediment Club have their work cut out for them; in fact I was thinking before even spinning their side of this split platter that I couldn’t imagine how they would match their counterparts. What an aching pleasure it is to be so wrong. Sediment Club gash open the ear and sprinkle sand in the audio wound, coming from a much more woozy place yet rocking pretty damn dedicatedly all the same and, when the time is right, absolutely SCREAM-SHANKING their message home with a double-dagger shriek. There are sections that almost swing, too, tom-toms blingin’ all over the place and drum sticks clickin’ like finger-snaps. I’m enamored with some of the Boston Hassle stuff but I had no idea they partied like this in Beantown; take me with you?