Tiny Mix Tapes

Sugarm - Pure Racket Pure Racket


Ever searching for the perfect blend of rhythm and Pure Racket, Sugarm follows up his crunched-up and whirled-out cassette split with Ron Tubman on Hausu’s Mugen series last year, hypnotizing audiences with pure noise charm. See that window? Toss the kosmische and drone and avant templates out that window. Sugarm gives two shits about expectancy and merely is diving hands first into some black magic melt. This is real. Like staring into the deepest eyes and feeling lost in the altar of Pure Racket, blistering your ear drums with swan songs to come.

So, from what I’ve heard, Sugarm dwells within the depths of electronics, digging down from his NY-borough basement apartment into the layers of metropolitan layers. Using breadths of unintroduced technology to extract sounds from walks of life in domestic, business, and street scenarios to encompass a world within Pure Racket. And whether you believe this world exists, Pure Racket beholds a portal into vast imagination, entirely up to the listener to believe one way or another. So scope Hausu Mountain NOW NOW NOW for Sugarm’s latest travels in Pure Racket (limited to 100), and stream it below in the mean time:

• Sugarm: http://sugarm.bandcamp.com
• Hausu Mountain: http://hausumountain.bandcamp.com