There’s “minimal” and then there’s “techno” and then there’s “minimal techno” and then there’s Prostitutes. Cleveland resident Jim Donadio’s mind-rending electronic explorations under his nightwalking moniker have spooked and/or hypnotized droopy-eyed heads in basement DIY spaces, probably “clubs” somewhere, and your living room for going on four years now. I imagine Donadio with the words “STARK” and “BLEAK” tatted across his knuckles, with the “K” crammed onto the final finger of each hand with another letter, pummeling our eardrums with these words over and over. STARK BLEAK STARK BLEAK STARK BLEAK “alright we get it” STARK BLEAK “yeah yeah” STARK BLEAK (this is where you cross the threshold) “ohhhhh don’t ever let it stop.” As each new element arrives in his mixes, complicating the muffled thud with an extra offbeat, cymbal crash, or synth bubble, expectations crumble and new layers of savagery compile over the ruins. You wonder, “Will it be safe for me to walk home later?” It will probably not be safe. With Prostitutes as your bad omen, you start considering other options.
After releases on Digitalis, Opal Tapes, and his own label Stabudown, Donadio preps a full-length LP called Petit Cochon (French for “please someone help me”) for the Midwest’s finest zone emporium, Spectrum Spools. Check out the three minutes of “Suck Out the Reason,” below, and watch detachedly as your limbs start to move. Cool, yeah, that’s cool. First the arms, now the legs. You’re up on your feet. You’re spinning. You’re cowering in the corner. The track ends suddenly, like right when it seemed to be seriously heating up. Sorry pal. This is the way of Prostitutes. Buy the album, due May 12, and get to know him better.
• Prostitutes:
• Spectrum Spools: