Is it true that if you have posttraumatic stress disorder you can’t diagnosis it yourself? Or like, when crazy people admit their insanity so they can begin healing… you can’t diagnose yourself with PTSD alone. Although, it’s rarer to have PTSD if you’re alone. Maybe it’s based on perception of reality, like. Like, when you’re alone for most your life, and never knew your were colorblind until someone told you. Thus, I imagine this is Dreamcolour’s intention for every release they drop, and Sex With Glass is a shard in the main vein, for sure.
You know what NEVER has happened, maybe? Rob Magill sitting down with the team before a jam and talking it out. Or, possibly only organizing times when to break and jam, etc. But I imagine it’s all straight impromptu style sound slanging. As well, Sex With Glass is like the ultimate superpower. In today’s age, isn’t it MORE likely to be a super hero for good or evil? What if there were a group just having Sex With Glass? Doesn’t have to mean sharp glass either. But the super power would be totally neutral, not helping or hurting anyone, but solely involving the person(s) sexing with it.
Anyhow, get some moods this Tuesday and journey into “Guessing Our Dissension” and “A More Intentional Touch” as Dreamcolour explores Sex With Glass, streaming below:
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• Weird Cry: