Tiny Mix Tapes

GOD - The Bible The Bible


GOD’s music is a great litmus test for what kind of hip-hop fan you are. If you’re a misguided purist who tunes out at the first sign of a trap drum, then odds are you won’t play The Bible long enough to hear GOD drop a gem or two you might otherwise appreciate. If you’re a casual listener who focuses mainly on the beats, you might enjoy The Bible but only for its aesthetic value, not its true substance. If you’re a yuppie blogger who turns to “trap-hop” or “party rap” to satisfy some bizarre, fetishistic impulse, but refuses to listen to intelligible rap lyrics, probably because they don’t jibe with your deeply ingrained racist notion of rap as a lower art form, then you’ll probably turn The Bible off and forget you ever listened.

So who does that leave to experience GOD’s latest trapscendence?

The rest of us, I guess … oh, and Sean Michael Daley, better known as Slug of Atmosphere. He likes GOD, too.

Where do you stand?

• GOD: http://youaintgod.com