King Tears Bat Trip is a seven-piece operating out of Seattle, and after having their debut record see release on cassette and digital, it is soon coming out on a beautiful picture disc courtesy of Debacle Records. “Stolen Police Car,” the 18-minute first side of the record, pummels your senses with an amazing amount of Neil Welch’s twisted saxophone work, coupled with the crushing percussive work of not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR drummers! Part heavy metal, and with equal bits of noise and otherworldly ballroom jazz, King Tears Bat Trip are tearing it up with this one. After debuting the LP live at Debacle Fest back at the end of May, the group is set to release the record in the next week, but you can pre-order that vinyl right now.
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• King Tears Bat Trip:
• Debacle Records: