Tiny Mix Tapes

Rat Columns - “Another Day” “Another Day”


Let’s take things to a field in Western Australia and get a little sweet with Rat Columns, huh? “Another Day” is sweet in a cruddy way, but I love it. So effin’ simple in a post-pop-gaze-esque way. Close to some Guided By Voices vibes for SURE too. But I like this dude just standing there in the field and not playing guitar as the guitar track vibes out. Totally intentional shit. It’s weird. That’s what I’m talking about. This sort of flagrant lax in sentimentality that gets people infuriated on the high way or simply waiting in line. Even the title, “Another Day” insinuates that longing for “eh, why?”

Rat Columns’ Leaf LP dropped last year (grip here), but this video popped off the end of last month, considering November was when it was shot, and that was like Australia’s Spring time. Also, a REEDed birdy told me of a Rat Columns tape release SOON on Night People, so get stoked on that 2014 DIY cassette game!!

• Rat Columns: http://ratcolumns.tumblr.com
• R.I.P. Society: http://ripsocietyrecords.tumblr.com