Fuck pop. Not like “Fuck Pop, man!” but maybe #fuckpop and “maaaaaaaan.” French-kissing in a cloth-top at Ectomorphic Lover’s Point, flipping the A-side back upward after the click, and watching (Name)ville burn under a purple sky. I’m all about “God in U” personally. Slow-dancing in the gym, bugged out on whatever-the-hell was in the punch, and tryna’ figure out if it’s your date in front of you or the pole of the basketball hoop. Were the school colors always shades of psychedelic green and purple? This sssick-to-my-stomach feels like a kiss-to-my-brain, and my organs are screaming like Sunday morning mass. One-two step, one-two step, and dip a little deeper toward the hardwood, still lacquered thick from basketball season. The whole place is huffing fumes as the floor starts to melt.
[Visit full site to view media]Admiral Frenchkiss by Gem Jones
“Sorry things got a bit weird last night, baby. I was tryna keep up with Mr. Jones, but that dude really knows how to party.” Admiral Frenchkiss is out now on Goaty Tapes! [Editor’s note: This is one of the VERY BEST tapes that’s crawled out this year, and a shame if you ain’t got it yet!]
• Gem Jones: http://gemjonesia.bandcamp.com
• Goaty Tapes: http://goatytapes.com