Tiny Mix Tapes

Dolphin Tears - Respawn Heaven [excerpt] Respawn Heaven [excerpt]


The afterlife can be a bitch, maybe. -Err, who knows, really. Luckily, Dolphin Tears has ripped up a new bit of sonic blunders and wonders for y’all to contemplate on while reloading through Respawn Heaven. Think hard, though, on when YOUR Respawn Heaven exists. My best guess at mine is when I’m dreaming, right? That’s the PG version of my interpretation of WHEN that exists in my life. Maybe when I’m drunk and/or blasted beyond the point of keeping my eyes open. Fuck that, maybe it’s deeper. It’s possible that Respawn Heaven is just the limbo we’re currently in as humans. Or, something as trite as flipping the damn tape itself.

Though the title is one thing, the music on Respawn Heaven is a complete different being/world. It surpasses every tape you find esoteric at the thrift store, and takes a dimensional leap into a place similar to our universe: there are no corners or edges or end, just a constant mish-mash of new found objects colliding or existing entirely on their own. Thus is the case for MOST Dept Tapes. And them snagging Dolphin Tear’s for Respawn Heaven has brought them Mexican sons-of-guns to next level label shit, that hasn’t faltered since DT01.

Grip Respawn Heaven by Dolphin Tears on Dept Tapes ASAP, as it’s limited to 30, along with a new tape by Mother’s Breast and a split tape by Monte and Magnétophonique

• Dolphin Tears: https://soundcloud.com/departmenttapes
• Dept Tapes: http://departmenttapes.tumblr.com