I don’t know about you, but when I look around the world of 2014, I can’t help but notice that everyone seems to be doing just a little too well. I mean, what happened to our beautiful shit-economy? What happened to last year’s horrible, endless winter? What happened to America’s glorious, crippling lack of affordable health care???
Luckily, there are still guys out there like Raymond Raposa, who, over the course of five previous albums of shambling, blown-out, chillingly-sparse doom-country as Castanets, has managed to keep reminding everyone of the fact that stuff’s still pretty terrifyingly fucked-up and could come apart at the seams at any moment. And don’t look now, but Raposa’s sixth studio album, fittingly titled Decimation Blues, isn’t going to be letting up on that good gospel of country-gothic terror any time soon.
The thing hits on August 18 via Asthmatic Kitty, and you can check out the first single, “Out for the West,” right down below. If you’re like me and are feeling extra-itchy for a loping, beautiful bum-out, you can also pre-order the album right over here. If you’re NOT like me, though, and you’re feeling pretty good about things these days, don’t tell me. I just don’t think I can take any more good news right now.
• Castanets: http://castanets.bandcamp.com
• Asthmatic Kitty: http://asthmatickitty.com