I got a lotttttttttttttttttttttttttt of work to rock through tomorrow. It’s not as bad as it could be, but you know: Ima crunch shit up. Fortunately, I’ll have them Sun Araw vibes in my ears, with a side of Laraaji. And as the fellahs-three tour the Euro-region, keeping laughter at MAX, they stopped by the London Boiler Room for a quick hit of The Play Zone plume. There’s some Sun Araw and Gray zones, and then a mash of Laraaji and Cam and Grey complete mind-out jamming on a further-mankind mission to restore the progression of beyond the beast. Do the three captivate humanity’s collective creative nod enough to renaissance existence into a new plane of thinking? If you answered, “Yes,” you MIGHT be right. Scope them live-style London dimensional zones within The Play Zone and find yourself a slice of peace.
• Sun Araw: http://www.sunaraw.com
• Alex Gray: http://www.djpurpleimage.chanceimag.es
• Laraaji: http://www.laraaji.blogspot.com