Tiny Mix Tapes

V E S A - 濡らす[ wet ] d r e a m s * 濡らす[ wet ] d r e a m s *


Dis muh fuckin’ V E S A here on the sly-ass 濡らす[ wet ] d r e a m s *, cum on the sheets beats with all that morning after, OJ to lips pucker thirst quench that is absolutely themed here in all sorts of liquid mixing. Since his split with sample-voodooist BessedOf, V E S A has been keeping current with Bootleg Tapes’ out-of-sync loa-loops movement and births into the world something purer than reality itself. Nothing is as good as them 濡らす[ wet ] d r e a m s *. Closing your eyes. Drifting to a place of bliss and happiness; where “standstill” is more than just an untouched orgasm. Like robbing a bank and peaking climax in the middle of it and everyone after is just like <_< …… >_> …… ‘_’ …. did that just happen?

濡らす[ wet ] d r e a m s * by V E S A is happening immediately via Bootleg Tapes, so fucking grip it already and give that fellah some work to do:

• V E S A: https://soundcloud.com/vesavesavesa
• Bootleg Tapes: http://bootlegtapes.bandcamp.com