Students at the School of Decay have a TON of end-of-the-year work to turn in — and all of it needs to be on the teacher’s desk by the end of the month!! Thankfully, they got that Maxwell August Croy/Sean McCann LP in early (phew!) or else there’d be some serious cramming going on. Less thankfully, the final essay for their Just Intonation 201 course has been almost impossible to get done.
I mean, the two guys that were supposed to meet up and finish the source material were impossible to get together. You know who I mean: Cory Allen, that guy from Austin who is totally obsessed with set pitch classes and self-organizing structures, and Duane Pitre, son of the Big Easy and devotee of minimalist tension. On top of that, it’s June and the sun just started to come out, so all anyone wants to do is bike around and not give a shit.
Allen and Pitre did finally get their heads out of the sand long enough to make a record. The Seeker and the Healer features two side-long tracks that were built out of multiple improvisations guided by a set of predetermined rules and carried out on piano, bowed guitar, harmonium, and 49-string drone harp, something Allen made himself. Students of Decay really believed that they were going to turn in a strong piece of work if the prof gave them an extension, and the request was indeed obliged — now we can all expect to hear Allen and Pitre’s final product July 8 on both LP and digital versions. HAGS!
Hear ye a preview of both tracks:
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The Seeker and the Healer tracklist:
01. The Seeker
02. The Healer
• Cory Allen:
• Duane Pitre:
• Students of Decay: