Tiny Mix Tapes

Dean Blunt - “BLOW freestyle” “BLOW freestyle”


1) I would like to shout out to Tiny Mix Tapes for being on this whole Dean Blunt crunch, forever.

2) Squeo keeps squawking at me about how I gotta post this immediately before it mysteriously vanishes.

3) Who the FUCK is Dean Blunt and why are we all obsessed with how he’s excellent at not “BEING” himself, even though we’ve NO IDEA who “himself” really is?

4) “BLOW freestyle” is flagrantly not freestyle-to-video, so what is he looking at stage right? Probz a pile of unreleased Dean Blunt material, and he’s just reveling in its worth and artistic stature.

5) I’m curious if anyone has casually stopped Dean Blunt on the street as they were a fan, and he convinced them he wasn’t Dean Blunt “…or whatever doped up band you’re talking about,” only in a Russian voice.

6) Bottom line: Dean Blunt sacrifices “SELF” every time we witness something new he’s conjured up, and it’s merely heartbreaking in the most entertaining way.

• Dean Blunt?: https://www.youtube.com/user/pollyjacobsen
• Dean Blunt??: https://soundcloud.com/urbansocialmedialounge
• Dean Blunt???: https://soundcloud.com/cplnd