Tequila Yuen’s TV Rots Your Brain is a not so subtle mockery of television, booze, and other instant gratifiers. It’s also a send-up of hip-hop as a whole. While this type of smack-you-in-the-face righteousness can usually be pretty tiresome, Yuen’s able to keep the whole thing afloat based on the fact that he doesn’t preach, but rather playfully shows. The beats are formulaic and “wack” (but still are good), the lyrics are self-indulgent and sordid (but still are good), and there are plenty of mass-media references to help any TV junky feel right at home, including self-made tequila commercials pieced together from PSAs and older advertisments, all of which run throughout the album.
With that said, Bron-Bron’s coming home, and I learnt that from a TV, so who’s brain is rotting now, Tequila Yuen? Huh? Who’s? What’s that you say? Mine, still? Yeah, yr prolly right…
Out now on Em La La Terra, in an edition of 50 cassettes. Stream it below if you need more convincing that this tape will be beneficial to your life.
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• Em La La Terra: http://emlalaterra.com