There’s a bit of techno fever going on in the Purdum household right now, and Faster Detail bear the brunt of the blame. Their new 12-inch Chance Cube is fuckin’ sick, dude. Picture this: All-white clothing, glitter-dipped sunglasses, leg-dips, robots dancing dirty, fluffy cocaine laid out on all-white roller-tables from Ikea, computer sequences that addict your ears, garish scarfs, four on the floor at least, and a ringmaster, dressed in egg-white suede head-to-toe, workin’ his rig like a train set. No one says a word. They can has cheeseburger, to dance, if you follow me. (Follow me.) I dig on swine long as it’s crispy, and honestly I feel the same way about tek-no. Hit it hard or go home. Faster Detail do just that, programming jams the average person can’t manage. I can’t tell you how many times and in how many different, often elaborate ways, I used to rail against electronic music in general when I was much, much younger, and wow; what a fool become have I. Don’t judge me, just MOVE TO IT. That beat is begging you to follow it to pay dirt; soon you’ll feel like you’re getting a workout because you are getting a workout! Trust the rush, build the dream, take the trip, buy the, like, tick- … anyway, let’s get off that and wrap this up eh? Good: If you’re riding the thumping techno wave like a hot leather chopper Faster Detail need no introduction; you’ll feel like you’ve known each other your whole lives.