Ohhhhh shit!!! SOME EMBER found that “Mourning Jewelry” dealer at the end of town that makes reality transparent to the wearer. Incredibly-so, and thankfully, Melissa Cha was there to capture the actually happenings and cell modification SOME EMBER took performance in a few weeks back. Like, how did all these people keep it together so well and nonchalant, I don’t know, but if my eyes or head or arms were to take the shape of something I had imagined, I’d probably not be keeping my cool, no, sir. However, SOME EMBER got so much swag, reality bending is that of what their used to, having successfully popped off two albums (on Crash Symbols and Dream) and two cassettes (on Night People and Ascetic House), they don’t plan on stopping. Not to mention their sounds are completely melted from imaginings that are of elsewhere but nature.
SOME EMBER got a hot new Self Titled album out now on Dream Recordings both on LP and digital, featuring “Mourning Jewelry.”
• SOME EMBER: http://someember.bandcamp.com
• Dream Recordings: http://www.dreamrecordings.com