Tiny Mix Tapes

Sat. Nite Duets - Los DJs Los DJs


I grew up outside of Milwaukee, WI, and I didn’t have too many fond memories of the city itself when I went off to college in Madison (the state’s other big town). Now that I’ve been out of the Cream City and out in the Pacific Northwest these past few years, I’ve stayed in touch with friends who have kept me up on the recent resurgence of vital music coming out of the city. Sat. Nite Duets are one such group, and their new album, Los DJs, is further evidence that they are one of Milwaukee’s best rock bands. Where previous releases highlighted a sound that paired the poppier side of Sonic Youth with the wry lyricism of Pavement, Los DJs goes in a more power-pop direction, and it’s absolutely killer. Sat. Nite Duets play a lot of shows in the Milwaukee area and around the Midwest, so if you live in that area, be sure to catch their high-energy live show. If you don’t however, you’ve still got a great collection of scrappy, infectious rock jams to play through the summer.

• Sat. Nite Duets: http://satniteduets.com