Tiny Mix Tapes

Tips on getting a dope body with Dope Body, who have a new album coming out in October!


It’s the middle of swimsuit season, folks, and don’t deny it — your bod is still not quite bikini-ready.

Do not fret! Here are some tips from Drag City rockers Dope Body on how to get, as they say, a dope body.

1. Jump up and down with excitement over the announcement of a new Dope Body album, titled Lifer. Up, down, up, down. Repeat 20, 30, or 40 times, until you feel that rush of endorphins.

2. Prepare to pre-order Lifer, which will be available on October 21. Flex your fingers. Crack your knuckles. Practice the motion of hitting the “add to cart” button and work on your reflexes to ensure the album will be added to your cart the second it goes on sale.

3. Head-bang, thrash, or otherwise dance around to “Hired Gun,” which you can listen to below (via Noisey). Remember, the more calories you burn now, the more ice cream you can eat later.

4. Head-bang, thrash, or otherwise dance when you see them on tour too:

08.29.14 - Brooklyn, NY - Brooklyn Night Bazaar #
09.26.14 - College Park, MD - University of Maryland @ WMUC Third Rail
10.16.14 - New York, NY - Studio at Webster Hall
10.17.14 - Brooklyn, NY - Palisades
10.18.14 - Ithaca, NY - Cornell University
10.19.14 - Columbus, OH - Double Happiness
10.21.14 - Louisville, KY - Zanzabar
10.22.14 - Richmond, VA - Strange Matter
10.24.14 - Baltimore, MD - Metro Gallery
10.25.14 - Philadelphia, PA - Johnny Brenda’s

Lifer tracklist:

01. Intro
02. Repo Man
03. Hired Gun
04. Echo
05. AOL
06. Rare Air
07. Day by Day
08. Toy
09. Nu Sensation
10. I’d Say to You
11. Even in the End

# Single Mothers, Ed Schrader’s Music Beat & Vulture Shit
• Dope Body: http://dopebody.tumblr.com
• Drag City: http://www.dragcity.com

[Photo: Angel Ceballos]