As one is “Descending Zara,” In Media Res serves as guidance around the looped twists and turns of echoing madness coming from below. Soaked in barely liquid resin, traversing the staircase becomes more than just a chore, but a work of an artist retracing their steps. One forms an opinion during the slow drip. Nothing is as complicated as one step after another. “Descending Zara” intends to track your every move. Now, reverberating your ear drums, In Media Res beyonds your visual mindset of what is reality and holography. Sounds never came to life brighter than a repeated harkening creating a new form of what is “music,” slicing and dicing and layering and caking extractions from old forms. Are them ladies moving under that yellow sign? Is dem apples being ate? @WATCH
In Media Res (a.k.a. Mediafired, if y’all remember THAT dynasty), went for a completely different angle on ecco-jamming with “Descending Zara.” By displacing the genre, In Media Res leaps out of the nearly defunct sound, and brings to life a Frankenstein of peacefully maddening levels involving fleshed out oldies. Oldies?
Got word from old Exo Tapes that In Media Res is gonna be spinning out their next CDr リンキンパーク soon, which includes “Descending Zara.” Keep on the lookout, though. These releases are limited to (typically) 35, and run out fast than fuck!
• In Media Res:
• Exo Tapes: