Tiny Mix Tapes

Fog’s Andrew Broder plans new full-length for 2015, launches Kickstarter to fund it


As mysterious and ever-changing as the gray fog that hangs close to the damp earth, Andrew Broder’s Fog project rolls back in, thick as its pea-soup namesake, making the morning commute more than a little sketchy, and lending the process of me grabbing the trash can from the corner a little hint of always-welcome extra gravitas. What will reach forth to grab our ankles from the thick gray mush of humidity? Why, a Kickstarter of course!

Broder’s folky hip-hop-inflected Fog moniker has been on the shelf since 2007’s Ditherer (an album that featured the likes of Phil Elverum and WHY?’s Yoni Wolf), but if the Kickstarter futzing with the tender area just above our heels and talking a big game about different rewards for different levels of donations is to be believed, Broder will be back in the fall of 2015 with a brand new Fog full-length on Totally Gross National Product. No title yet or tracklist, but Broder has reportedly recruited producer Brian Joseph, who has worked on releases from Bon Iver, The Bowerbirds, and Colin Stetson. According to Broder, the album will pull back a bit from the more band-oriented arrangements of Ditherer into something a little looser and more abstract, more similar to his early work in the early 2000s. You know, like a throwback. Throwbacks really tickle the little history buff that’s camped out in my frontal lobe, if you know what I mean.

The Kickstarter campaign ends on August 12, and as of right now it’s a little less than two-thirds funded. If you’re not one of those people who gets so mad just thinking about Kickstarters that you want to punch a cute baby animal right in its stupid mouth, you can scope it out here. In conjunction with the campaign, Broder has released versions of two tracks that might make it on to the album in one form or another, one is an untitled demo that’s available over on the Kickstarter page, and the other, embedded below, is a stripped-down acoustic version of a song called “Turning Into You.” Give him your money! Or Don’t!

• Fog: http://ninjatune.net/de/artist/fog
• Totally Gross National Product: http://totallygrossnationalproduct.com