Hot fudge and damn it. Where do I start? Well, first off: Mirror Universe Tapes is incredibly kind for letting us choose tracks off this new Clean Girls and Vulture Shit split the label is doing. Second, I (absolutely) love how I cannot keep up with the Universe these Tapes birth from the Mirror (?), because the label’s catalog is gloriously grabbing from the various spectrum of musical genres, while ensure each recording is properly sounded out on the reel. Third.. I’m under the belief Mirror Universe scours for the perfect tape-hiss sounds in each of their published albums, fore-going all genre, thus shattering the idea of a label driven by genre.
But let’s get into the gritty, ‘cause my bathroom sink at my apartment was (and I assume still is..) bursting hot pressurized water, and my dog is probably bugging. Now, in light of that situation, I imagine I’ll experience the “Day of the Woman” today, as my landlord believes in heavy DIY maintenance on my apartment, and their immediate family only consists of women. This is all chill, but they just won’t call a plumber (man OR woman) because of money, and turning the water-nob at the floor-board didn’t work before on the toilet the past three times. Stoked, though, that Clean Girls have made the perfectly spiraling soundtrack to this incident of utter waste and flagrant money grubbing. So I know I won’t mind as “Day of the Woman” plays for the dozen’th time on my living room speakers and my landlord sits drenched — trying to save money — in my bathroom.
Vulture Shit is something different, though. And it sorta explains what I was suggesting in the first paragraph: their sound is sizzled just as hard as Clean Girls and frantic in a rythm of pure magnetic pull. Also, as a C Monster favorite, “Slow Down” sounds like Ween, as anything that can be compared to Ween is a sure-fire WIN. So, after all the water works in my apartment, I’ll max out to some giggles with “Slow Down,” as it mocks my intent to lax with some feisty vocals and bass fuzz. I’ll probably fly down 495 at about 120 mph with Vulture Shit screaming at me to do the opposite, while I smile a little bit on the inside, and my heart achieves full erection.
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• Vulture Shit:
• Clean Girls:
• Mirror Universe Tapes: