Tiny Mix Tapes

Wooden Wand hits the road later this month. Pay him a visit, won’t you?


A confession: My friends and I used to play that game where you change the “d” at the end of the word “wand” into a “g” and then you read parts of whatever Harry Potter book you happen to have in front of you and giggle as it becomes infinitely dirtier. My brain still sometimes thinks I am playing this game and changes “wand” into “wang” without much effort.

So I am happy to report that I made it through the announcement of a Wooden Wand tour with minimal snickering, because the game really only works if you are working with sentences like, “Something silver-white, something enormous, erupted from the end of his wand.”

If you caught the piece of news amidst that blather, congrats. The real news here is not that I am secretly a teenage boy with too much time on his hands, but that James Jackson Toth a.k.a. Jimmyjack Toth a.k.a. Wooden Wand is TOURING. Following the May release of his album Farmer’s Corner, Toth will make appearances in a handful of cities during this month of August. Keep an eye out for a roving Wooden Wang… I mean, Wand. Wooden Wand.


08.09.14 - Lexington, KY - Shaker Village Well-Crafted Festival
08.16.14 - Fairmont, WV - Palatine Park
08.27.14 - Cookville, TN - Poet’s Coffee
08.28.14 - Knoxville, TN - The Pilot Light
08.29.14 - Asheville, NC - Harvest Records: Transfigurations II
08.31.14 - Columbia, SC - Conundrum

• Wooden Wand: http://www.woodenwand.org