Tiny Mix Tapes

Orlando Scarpa Neto - Se fôssemos hipopótamos, com certeza fugiríamos Se fôssemos hipopótamos, com certeza fugiríamos


Pensive is the person who transforms from man to hipopótamos. Awaiting the mutation to blend into the skin. Accessing a trunk no longer than their body’s torso. Fist and feet curling and melting into giant palms. Tusks jutting from boogers left unpicked. A tail ripping from the spine’s base. Cartilage popping, stretching, and growing into winged ears. Trampling all life was never this easy before.

In comparison, Se fôssemos hipopótamos, com certeza fugiríamos by Orlando Scarpa Neto (dear bro of Paulo) is similar to his last output, Imprevisibilidade do Pulso in terms of patient transformation. Typically starting out with a slow breath, swirling sounds become the meat of every single track this man shits out, and it makes me anxious. Totally in a good way. Like, mellow music for the action scene, you know? Something stirring continuously until fruition is the climax for the rest of the track.

If I were a hippo, I would flee in any way possible, and as I stomped out every bush, tree, and animal in my way, Se fôssemos hipopótamos, com certeza fugiríamos by Orlando Scarpa Neto would be blaring at max levels, as the fellah would be standing atop my back with a slew of pedals, an amplifier bigger than two of him, and an axe that rips down a forest as good as my new found animal strength. Listen below, won’t you?

• Orlando Scarpa Neto: http://orlandoscarpa.bandcamp.com