Tiny Mix Tapes

Cadu Tenório - “Fragmentos” “Fragmentos”


Received this video at random, and it’s so far in my alley, it’s pumping whispers full of “Fragmentos” throughout my core. Cadu Tenório really did to me. I feel empty with emotion and full of emptiness. It’s like reverting myself into a whole lot of nothing. Or turning inside-out and completely disappearing.

What’s cooler, is the video sort of reflects this same meaning: everything is really nothing. As I was trying to take a screen capture for this post, I couldn’t just hit the key on a stagnant enough image without it looking like a blur of color. Thus, it’s introspective of itself, as “Fragmentos” all runs together, and it’s Cadu Tenório to try and put it together, and lightly, through musical terms.

Not to leave it out either, but Cadu Tenório’s newest tape Vozes, and you can snag it now here while listening to the reel stream below, as it takes a minute to ship, y’all:

• Cadu Tenório: http://victimnoise.bandcamp.com
• Sinewave: http://sinewave.com.br