Tiny Mix Tapes

Josep Lluis Galiana & Carlos D. Perales - “Ready” “Ready”


He’d fall asleep in the most unlikely places. And when he did, his breath would pass between his lips, and all night he’d whistle and moan, haunting those unlikely places. They were ghostly, those whistles and moans. That’s how my friend got the nickname “Ghost Whistler.”

Josep Lluis Galiana & Carlos D. Perales, with a bit more sport and lucidity, exhale the same sort of ghost whistle language in their improvisation “Ready.” Their sport is fencing. The two gentlemen take the offensive and fight for the last lunge, and, through their flicks and attacks, work in tandem, finishing each other’s sentences, enhancing and elaborating upon each other’s phrases. When one pauses faintly to catch his great, the other feints and fills the space. A lot of their blade-to-blade and nose-to-nose jockeyship is done at breath level, eerie, but not without a fair share of confident outbursts: herky-jerky spasms and achy-breaky corrosion. The piece is eeriest when the players meet up and align at the high register. The haunted moments.

• Josep Lluis Galiana: http://www.joseplluisgaliana.com
• Carlos D. Perales: http://www.carlosdperales.es
• Clamshell Records: http://www.clamshellrecords.com