Tiny Mix Tapes

Sweet William - “Teardrops” “Teardrops”


This is what’s up: new video for “Teardrops” by Sweet William. Further-more, I’ve never heard Sweet William (a.k.a. Willie Thurlow) before Beau just hit me up about him and this new video merely a few hours ago. And what an angel he was for doing so, because “Teardrops” got me in a solid chill-productive mood.

One of my favorite things is being recommend music that’s tite like this: real creep-crooner style vocals atop an irresistible beat. Another of my favorite things is mystery, and I have NO idea what I’m looking at here. I print B&W zines of NBA photos or trash or Las Vegas and leave them around NYC because the photos are sometimes impossible to initially distinguish. Thus, Sweet William’s newest video for “Teardrops” is definitely something y’all gotta sit down with a couple of times. And letting it sink in is as easy as pressing play a dozen times.

“Teardrop” is the semi-title track off Sweet William’s new tape Teardrop Drip. He actually played keys on “Human Voice” by Samantha Glass (a.k.a. Beau Devereaux), and I figure this video was Beau’s way of living up to “I owe ya one.” So scope the video below, Sweet William tour dates with Golden Donna, STACIAN, & Magic Key below-below, and listen to the full stream of Teardrop Drip below-below-below. Just follow the program and enjoy:



*w/ Golden Donna
$ w/ STACIAN + Magic Key

8/15 Columbus, OH*, The Summit w/ Jacoti Sommes, Brass Orchids
8/16 Pittsburgh, PA*, BOOM Concepts w/ TMC
8/17 Washington D.C.*$ via Select DC, Ghion w/ Claire + Poor Blood
8/18 Baltimore, MD*$, The Crown w/ Adventure
8/19 Philadelphia, PA*, The First Banana w/ DJ Dreyfus (Noah from Profligate/Form A Log/Social Junk)
8/22 Brooklyn, NY*, Body Actualized
8/23 Brooklyn, NY*, FANCY
8/24 Boston, MA, Middlesex Lounge w/ Coralcola, @DJ Won’t
8/25 New London, CT* TBA
8/27 Buffalo, NY, Facility
8/28 Cleveland, OH*, Pats In The Flats w/ Glacial23 + Witchbeam
8/29 Madison, WI, Mickey’s Tavern w/ the Tea Heads

∞Teardrop Drip Stream∞

• Sweet William: http://sweetwilliam1.bandcamp.com