Both freighting and beautiful, Delicate Features floats in with the tide to blow listeners a “Kiss By The Sea.” Reaching out with white-lace drip-drying gloves, the Saint-Petersburg duo caresses ears with their newest CS The Passenger on Not Not Fun, who describes the release as blurring “morose misty synth-jazz with windswept new age memory pop into a love-blind stalk along an ice-scarred river.” Personally, I’m feeling a nice mixture here between Not Not Fun veterans White Poppy and (early) Weyes Blood.
There’s a longing in “Kiss By The Sea” that compels the realists as much as the romantics, though. As a romantic, the notion of ACTUALLY being by the sea appeals to the nature of relaxing nearest the one you love. As a realist, the way waves crash upon everything you KNOW this might be a nasty trip to the beach. But Delicate Features make it extremely worth the trip.
At any rate, I’m stoked on Not Not Fun always gripping from different regions of the world, AS WELL as their recent surge in cassettes. I used to be a cassette-only household for the longest time, and Not Not Fun (amongst a few others) kept me afloat in the esoteria of vibe-reeling. Delicate Features is no different, as they gently wash in romantic layers of melody and bass upon resonating vocals, there’s no other care in the world but here in the midst of a “Kiss By The Sea.”
• Delicate Features:
• Not Not Fun: