So, I’ve been tryna keep shit a little international around these Tiny Mix Tapes parts. And luckily, Schlakks is around to fulfill the white-guy rapper from Germany section of my “world-music” bingo card. Also, I don’t speak German. Thus, I’ve no idea if this guy is good or not, or if what he’s saying is about protest? I am aware that “Hell sehn” stands for “Hell see,” which I interpret as something of a street-struggle, in cooperation with a video
(production by Embrace The World Film) showing vandals run mischievously amuck throughout a black and white city, smashing and flipping whatever in site.
What I’m stoked on is Schlakk’s rapping swag. It’s completely derivative. That street-crew is also useful to have, as they’re popping up signs all around listing Schlakks’ second album Tat und Drang, which is out now on 2xLP and CD. If you’re interested in traveling with your mind, find yourself gripping the entirety of Tat und Drang immediately, and feel me on what escapism REALLY means!
• Schlakks: