Tiny Mix Tapes

Unsound Poland announces fourth batch of performers: Nurse with Wound, Lee Gamble, SOPHIE, Evian Christ, and more


When does a dream become a nightmare? When does it become another dream within that first dream like some sorta dream-like cake product with a tasty nighttime filling? When does it become a dream-themed festival in Krakow, Poland? I only know the answer to that last one: October 12 through October 19, and they’re calling it the Unsound Festival. To be fair though, the first two were sort of non-sequitur, but believe me, if I knew the answers, I wouldn’t hold out on you.

Anyhow, since I can tell by the cut of your jib that you’re an avid reader of this here news section, I’m willing to bet you’re already well-acquainted with the idea of a seriously well-curated festival going down in Krakow between October 12 and October 19. You’re probably even a little cynical about it by now: “Oh, yeah, I know what’s up, Swans will be there, Craig Leon, M.E.S.H., Amnesia Scanner, and Pharmakon. Can’t you tell me anything new?” Why, yes, indeed I can! You see, a fourth round of artists has recently been announced, including Nurse with Wound, Evian Christ, SOPHIE, Lee Gamble, and more! You can read all about the new additions in gory detail right here. And, though weekly and long weekend passes are totally sold out, individual tickets went on sale today. Peep the schedule and purchase tickets on the other end of this clickable blue text.

• Unsound: http://www.unsound.pl