Tiny Mix Tapes

The Rebel - “The Thing” “The Thing”


When I hear the tubby synth line of “The Thing” kick in, I think of a Casio with cartoon wheels shimmyin’ down the Interstate, tires bobbing to the bass and a hot-yellow sun ready to swallow the whole thing when we’re all ready. But I don’t know what The Rebel has in store for you particularly; hell, neither does he, I reckon! So saddle up partner, ‘cause it’s time to riiiiiiiiiiiiiiide on and bullwhip that drumbeat till it’s time to brew a tincture of dab tea for the tillerman. FOR the tillerman. BY the tillerman. I reviewed The Rebel’s EP (care of Weird Forest) for StN years ago and I don’t remember it sounding ANYthing like this, all simple yet laced in pink with red and purple flashes, a silly caboose of a tune that won’t exact its toll until later on, when you’re at work and trying to concentrate despite the wry voices sounding off in your head, voices which, of course, belong to you in the first place.

All of my horsin’ around aside, if this track doesn’t make you want to tear into The Rebel’s upcoming LP KROT on Monofonus Press (THIS MONTH!!!!) you must be huffin’ a bit too much YEEZ and not enough US. So get on that, and bang out that simple beat with a pencil on your makeshift sticky-note cupholder: BA DUM-DUM DOO, BA DUM-DUM DOO, BA DUM-DUM DOO, BA DUM-DUM DOO, BA DUM-DUM DOO… (And so are you!)

• Monofonus Press: http://monofonuspress.com