Check the Chocolate Grinder history and you’ll see that [I] [love] [this] Blankstairs label. Nearly two years old now, and only five releases deep, these dudes know when to take their time. It’s a patient approach that is reflected in the musical content as well, heating to a rolling boil at a rate predating the WWW’s effect on our collective attention span. Dance music driven by emotive cadence.
The two songs comprising the newest Blankstairs release from Sydney producer, Hal Floyd, emerge from a kind of melancholic trance. A gentle hum vibrates throughout, morphing like an inescapable thought, gaining authority as it’s turned over and over again. The nervous tic of the rhythm’s repetition pushes the heart rate to a level wherein everything begins to feel dire. Trapped by a memory. Caught in the current. The only parts of the foot moving to this techno are the nerve endings.
Check out both songs below, before the official release on September 30.
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• Hal Floyd:
• Blankstairs: