Tiny Mix Tapes

Desassossego | Abdala - des​.​ab des​.​ab


Stuttering through time has been the only way to separate yourself between this dimension and the next. Imagine being on an airplane going at max speed while jumping up and down, having a conversation with someone via microphones and echo/reverb effects, and trying to eat a sandwich. This is the type of reality breaking measures Desassossego | Abdala are trying to establish with the 30-minutes of length, put down in three tracks, on des​.​ab. And as everything you’d hope to spiral away from the reality you once perceived as “hard” to exist in, think again. Any other reality you try to transverse — weather it be air, water, or dark matter — there will always be a presented struggle. You cannot escape the fact that life is worth living by every action you choose to keep yourself pulsing.

Feel your blood clot and free itself. Find out how anatomy surges through you. Become the dimension presented in des​.​ab. Desassossego | Abdala are familiar of the level of difficulty here, yet are proud for you to travel along with them. The quest is merely a tunnel exit away. The journey is of but a lifetime in challenge. Take the plunge:

• Abdala: http://abdalagalatic.bandcamp.com
• Desassossego: https://propositorecs.bandcamp.com