In the dead of summer, Blind Thorns released a masterful Self-Titled record, developing the trialouge between the massive, spidery guitar style of Shane Parish (formerly Perlowin), the frenzied percussion of Ryan Oslance, and Antoine Läng’s manic howls. The record is a complete jammer: it evolves like a wild ball of fire careening down multiple geographical mountain ranges (Blue ridge, Swiss Alps, Machu Picchu, etc.). The “flames” are the chemical result of the ecstatic, enlightened musical conversation happening between the three maestros — dynamic riffage and primal blast-beats ultimately drive Läng’s turgid bellowing forward. It’s like a game of rock-paper-scissors involving three people where every player wins, every time. But, at the end of it all, these guys are real musicians (NOT ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS GUYS) who just so happen to be letting it all “go” to access COMPLETE freedom and mastery of their respective instruments. Blind Thorns communicates that freedom exceptionally.
Well, despite music (music-as-an-entire-phenomenon), Chicago-based artist Rae Whitlock has provided visual extensions for the sustained intensity of album closer “Gambling with the Wrong Dice.” From the get-go, the “natural” environment seems “wrong”; because, it’s clear that an evil paranormality is present in the music (and now we must cope with our eyes existing as sensory agents, and our brains discovering visual fear). Parish’s guitar meanders through disorienting shots of foliage; and, when Oslance bursts in, the tension is sustained through one long, extended shot. I watch films sometimes, so, through that, I’ve developed a deep appreciation of the extended shot (lol). The build up is fantastic — when Läng enters alongside the visual of a robed human man-boy, I’m already in tears. Stick around for the end, as the crescendo comes to a literal “head.” Then, blackness.
Scope the the video above and embark on an exercise of sustained intensity. Also check out the equally discomforting (Part I), directed by Courtney Chappell, here.
• Blind Thorns:
• New Atlantis Records: