Tiny Mix Tapes

Horse Lords - Hidden Cities [trailer] Hidden Cities [trailer]


Horse Lords can save rock music.
Horse Lords can abandon rock music.
Horse Lords can discover new forms.

Fresh material from the Lords used to arrive in our eager brainspaces by way of cassette mixtapes. Maybe it will again. Maybe you discover one in the rack at True Vine. Maybe you cop it on Bandcamp. You pop it in and shake your flabby abdomen through thirty-plus minutes of hypnotic post-kraut shredding interspersed with swathes of laptop concrète abstraction and West African breakdowns, animated by winding sax lines and surgical cascades of guitar repetition, tethered to the ground by that thick-ass bass. Together and in their solo incarnations, Horse Lords constitute one tetrahedral center of the Baltimore DIY scene, heading out into the fog and placing flags in still unclaimed avant territories. They haven’t finished exploring yet.

Up next: their second full-length LP, Hidden Cities, conveyed to our turntables by the fine heads at NNA Tapes, due November 4. Bassist/synthesist/visual sorcerer Max Eilbacher put in some hours 3D rendering a trailer just for your hooded little red eyes to behold. Feast on some fractal text, deep zooms, and like two minutes of recorded music. Don’t get drool all over yourself in front of your loved ones. I’m keeping one ear to the ground and the other pressed right up against an iPhone screen until I hear more news about this LP. Stay tuned.

• Horse Lords: https://horselords.bandcamp.com
• NNA Tapes: http://nnatapes.com