Tiny Mix Tapes

A Mix to Help My Boyfriend Kick His Nicotine Habit


This mixtape has a story.

Boyfriend hears the pleas from his loved ones. Boyfriend takes a good look at himself and realizes how unhealthy and costly his smoking habit is. Boyfriend gives up smoking cold turkey. One week passes. Boyfriend breaks down. Boyfriend goes to the store to buy cigarettes. Boyfriend notices the electronic cigarettes displayed next to his ordinary go-to smokes, American Spirits. Boyfriend purchases an e-cig. Boyfriend vapes his new purchase in the parking lot. Boyfriend looks to the sky. Boyfriend now knows the truth. Smoking e-cigs make you even cooler than smoking regular cigarettes do!

01. Car Seat Headrest - “Stop Smoking” (Twin Fantasy)
02. Mount Eerie - “Don’t Smoke” (Black Wooden Ceiling Opening)
03. Daniel Johnston - “I Save Cigarette Butts” (Songs of Pain)
04. John Maus - “Too Much Money” (Love Is Real)
05. Titus Andronicus - “Tried to Quit Smoking” (Local Business)
06. Andrew Jackson Jihad - “Cigarettes” (Candy Cigarettes And Cap Guns)
07. Cutie Boy Spliff - “Recharge My Cig” (Man Found Fire)