Tiny Mix Tapes

Hayden Pedigo - “Dream Theory Pt. 4” feat. Robert Rich “Dream Theory Pt. 4” feat. Robert Rich


A while back we gave you a sneak peek at Texas born Hayden Pedigo’s upcoming LP Five Steps, and with the record’s impending release we’re pleased to offer another taste of the album. According to Hayden, “I had an idea to make this album something entirely opposite of my debut album and attempt to make it a full blown acoustic/experimental album and collaborate with people who inspire me. I recorded all the music that summer and when I finished, I decided to start asking some of my heroes to add to the pieces I wrote for the album.”

Where “Stray” was a straightforward, acoustic guitar-driven gem, “Dream Theory Pt. 4” goes into more experimental, ambient territory. As four parts of the B-side, “Dream Theory” pushes far beyond the soothing acoustic pickings of the A-side, making it the tripped out yin to the first side’s comforting yang. “Pt. 4” especially delves into the deep end of the ambient pool, with the Texan’s talent for sonically diverse, raw, and weird elements in full force. It was somewhat jarring to hear these sides back to back, as I kept asking myself if I was listening to the right album; however, what you’ll hear in the entirety of Five Steps is a young yet mature songwriter making a formidable dent in both his and Debacle’s catalog. Stay tuned for the November 4 release, with vinyl pre-orders up right here.

• Hayden Pedigo: http://debaclerecords.bandcamp.com/album/five-steps
• Debacle Records: http://www.debaclerecords.com