001 SWIMTEAM_RADIO, 002 SWIMTEAM_RADIO, 003 SWIMTEAM_RADIO… RAMBOW, FOO!!! And he scoopin’ up them ICE CREAM beats, garnishing a swirl of sprinkled samples and loops that’ll probably crackle your skull like it raining Pop-Rocks on ya brain. Would you rather be shaking your head working over-time, or sitting in traffic? Well, fuck it, I’d turn’t some RAMBOW SWIMTEAM_RADIO_004 on the highway beyond what people can SIT TO. This singing around the two-minute mark will sound like I’ve wireless access to some lady’s bullhorn. People be flashin’ brights and dancing between cars. Ain’t nobody’s booty safe. Party on the BQE. Rush hour. Be there and drop it with me.
OR, y’all can reach out tonight for that pre-Swim Team stroke in the Palisades. Daddy AOL x LORD $M$ gonna be slammin’ bodies around 8PM. However, if you want the real-RAMBOW-deal, hit up Trans Pecos tomorrow night around 10PM (naps prior are a necessity, as we goin’ to 4AM). Swim Team bringing down Brooklyn and here are all the details! I’ll be at both. Tonight in a blue hoodie. Tomorrow in [nap clothes; gym wear; jammies]. Get at me. If it might be me, say “Hey!” to whoever. You’re invited to introduce yourself to everyone.
I seriously feel blessed to be listening to RAMBOW SWIMTEAM_RADIO_004 all damn day today, only to pre-game my stroke tonight for “GOD DAMN, Swim Team” tomorrow.
• Rambow: https://soundcloud.com/rambowny
• Swim Team: https://soundcloud.com/swimteam69