DJ JOHN BROOKLYN is a multipurpose doctor living in Coney Island. DJ JOHN BROOKLYN has an office in the back of a red-ish (rust?) Astro mini-van, only it’s not so mini. DJ JOHN BROOKLYN fucked yo wife you fat mother fucker; abortion. DJ JOHN BROOKLYN is possibly a Gucci Mane ghostwriter. DJ JOHN BROOLYN knows the dread of being “stuck in jersey” and the god-power of delivering a baby to the mole-people couple under the George Washington Bridge. DJ JOHN BROOLYN fuxxx wit, SQUAAAAAD. DJ JOHN BROOLYN used to have a gambling problem and now just prints out fake medical certifications. DJ JOHN BROOLYN has performed four uneducated plastic surgeries alongside the BQE. DJ JOHN BROOLYN “dnt need a grl the mta f*cks [him] everyday.” DJ JOHN BROOLYN does that shit medical-advertising graffiti nobody knows how to remove. DJ JOHN BROOLYN is.