Tiny Mix Tapes

Swim Team - “TRAX 1” [video teaser] “TRAX 1” [video teaser]


Creepin’ out the depths of New York, Swim Team will find any hole, dive, or back-alley as an excuse to light up a party. As the young producer collective have gamed together or solo’d at just about any venue in the NYC area, including Boiler Room, Trans Pecos, Palisades, there’s really no telling where the events end or begin. And they’re putting out a filthy compilation of all their current TRAX and releasing them early this November on cassette via Bootleg Tapes and digital on the Swim Team website (below). Follow @SwimTeam69 for upcoming events or sign up on their e-mail list ASAP. If you’ve missed one event, there’s probably one going on immediately, so GET AT IT!

Where’s Lars?

• Swim Team: http://swimteam69.net
• Swim Team: http://vimeo.com/user29841602
• Bootleg Tapes: https://bootlegtapes.bandcamp.com
Lord $M$: https://soundcloud.com/lordsms
Izy: https://soundcloud.com/izywater
Color Plus: https://soundcloud.com/colorplus
Kanyon: https://soundcloud.com/kanyon_ny
Rambow: https://soundcloud.com/rambowny
AceMo: https://soundcloud.com/acemo
Daddy AOL: https://soundcloud.com/daddyaol
DJ LILMATT69: https://soundcloud.com/djlilmatt69