Tiny Mix Tapes

Sir Richard Bishop unveils Tangier Sessions, paves the way for civil unions between man and guitar


For those of you planning on forgetting Valentine’s Day, there’s a perfect belated gift for your significant other: SIr Richard Bishop’s upcoming Tangier Sessions. Out February 17, the album is a solo acoustic improvisation entirely written on a 19th-century guitar that Bishop dug up while living in Geneva. Like a scene out of a film Walter Salles never wrote, Sir Rick found the instrument when he came upon a no-name luthier’s shop in an alley. He ultimately set the guitar down due to the price tag, but not before (presumably) ripping through “Stairway to Heaven” and Van Halen’s “Eruption” and then whispering the word “whoa” to himself. Luckily for both us and Rick, weeks later he came to the realization that spending all your money on yourself is actually awesome, and bought the guitar without even asking us to Kickstarter it for him.

Still channelling his life decisions from a VH1 Behind the Music episode, Bishop packed up his new guitar and headed to a rooftop apartment in Morocco; there he wrote and recorded Tangier’s seven songs in just one week. Bishop’s yet to officially drop any tracks from the album, but listeners can probably expect some ambling, neo-Fahey jams à la his VDSQ Solo Acoustic sessions from earlier this year. The album is available for pre-order over at Drag City. Buy it, as I really don’t want to get those Kickstarter emails.

Tangier Sessions tracklist:

01. Frontier
02. Bound In Morocco
03. Safe House
04. Hadija
05. Mirage
06. International Zone
07. Let It Come Down

• Sir Richard Bishop: http://www.sirrichardbishop.net
• Drag City: http://www.dragcity.com